Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ron and Lyn make a new loan

Ron and Lyn made a new loan to the Lourdes Torrez Group of Bolivia.

The "El Paraíso" association is located in the city of El Alto, in the Villa Adela zone. The members are happy to belong to the Pro-Mujer family because apart from loans they also receive trainings in order to improve their businesses. The majority of the members are married with children; they don't rely on their husbands for varying reasons, and have taken on the mantle of providing for their families. There are various types of business within the "El Paraíso" association - some members have small grocery stores, others make Api (a sweet corn beverage) with pastries, and others sell cosmetics. The majority have a fixed location in various markets in the city of El Alto. They require major capital to expand their business and earn greater profits in order to make loan payments and generate daily income for their families.

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